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Harlan Community School District


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District Transportation

Buses and Other School District Vehicles
Buses are primarily used to transport students to and from school.  Students who ride the bus and other school district vehicles to and from school, extracurricular activities, or any other destination must comply with school district policies, rules, and regulations.  Students are respectful to the driver while on the bus or in another school vehicle, loading or unloading or leaving the bus.  The driver has the ability to discipline a student and may notify the principal of a student’s inappropriate bus conduct.

Persons riding in school district vehicles shall adhere to the following rules.  The driver, sponsor, and chaperones are to follow the school district policies, rules, and regulations for student violations.  The following behaviors shall not be permitted on a school bus:

  • Hitting
  • Spitting
  • Profanity/abusive language
  • Name calling
  • Failure to remain seated
  • Throwing objects
  • Obstructing aisles
  • Making excessive noise
  • Assault
  • Fighting
  • Vandalism
  • Failure to comply with a reasonable request from the Bus Driver or Supervisor
  • Possession of a weapon
  • Possession of tobacco or smoking
  • Possession of alcohol or other controlled substances
  • Any other conduct deemed hazardous to the safety of the passengers, driver, or to the bus.

The operation of a safe and effective transportation program necessitates the prohibition of the behaviors listed above.  In the event that an improper action occurs, the following procedures will be followed:

Bus Drivers have the authority to remove a student from the bus for up to three (3) days for violation of the above listed behaviors.  The driver must verbally notify the parents/guardians prior to the removal/suspension.  The driver will then fill out the Incident Report for the principal.  If a student has been removed from the bus for a total of three (3) days, (i.e. could be different occurrence totaling three (3) days or just one suspension of three (3) days) by the driver, the next notice of removal/suspension must come from the building principal and it will be for a minimum of one month or twenty (20) school days. The last notice will be removal/suspension for the rest of the school year.

Harlan Community Schools will transport all students who meet the State of Iowa guidelines according to State Code (IC 285.1).  HCS will not transport students who live within the city limits of Harlan, with the following exceptions:

  • Students with a handicapping condition as specified in their IEP
  • Elementary students outside a two mile radius of their school
  • High School students outside a three mile radius of their school
  • Students who do not have a safe access (Sidewalks) to their school, such as those who would need to cross Highway 59 or who’s nearest safe access to their school via sidewalk would exceed two miles
  • A bus will stop at the old New Park school location.The reason for this stop is due to an agreement made prior to vacating New Park which stated the district would provide transportation from that point. This agreement will be reviewed each year and the Board shall have the right to discontinue this stop if they so determine.
  • With the goal of lessening some traffic congestion during after school pickups at the elementary buildings, two stops will be made for afternoon routes: 1) Merrill Field 2) Therkildsen Center.  These stops will be for elementary students only; no Middle School or High School students will be transported.